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Week 4 of Coronavirus 'Staycation'

Hello my fellow readers, Wawa Writes back with another post! Some days this week were finished quickly {with very little having been done} and others were a lot more hectic. Anyway, I hope we're all staying safe and doing our best to stay active. I am, anyway!


In the news:

"The World Health Organization has warned against the idea that coronavirus immunity passports can provide a safe way out of lockdown.

Many countries were hoping to start issuing risk-free certificates to people who have had the disease, allowing them to return to work, travel and go about their business. The plan was based on the assumption that Covid-19 survivors develop immunity.

But yesterday the WHO said no evidence exists that people who have recovered from the disease and developed antibodies are protected from catching it again.

The organization went further, warning that the use of immunity passports could lead to a spike in new infections. That's because people who assume they are immune are more likely to ignore public health advice.

In the wake of the WHO's alert, it becomes apparent that global efforts must focus on the only other way to gain protection: a vaccine.The coronavirus has now killed more than 200,000 people globally, according to Johns Hopkins University.

But official statistics are only capturing confirmed cases. With most countries struggling to test everyone who shows symptoms, the number of Covid-19-related deaths is likely much higher. These people might have died at home, in nursing homes, or in hospitals where testing was unavailable.

The United Kingdom yesterday became the fifth country in the world to record more than 20,000 deaths, after Italy, the United States, Spain and France. Just weeks ago, the UK government's chief scientific adviser, Patrick Vallance, said that limiting deaths to around 20,000 would be a "good outcome."

The US, meanwhile, is nearing 1 million cases. More than 53,600 Americans have died so far, with New York state alone recording more than 22,000 coronavirus deaths." {}


My thoughts and weekly report:

As we all know, Coronavirus isn't dying down and doesn't look like it won't be doing so for a good while longer. I don't know about the rest of you student-readers, but my school has officially been cancelled for the rest of the school year. This week I've been the most active in pretty much all of the time I've been stuck home. My family went on 3 hikes, the most tiring being on Saturday. It was about 3 miles, but it was up a mountain, so the first half was exhausting, because it was all uphill trail and my job was basically to keep my dog from falling off a steep rocky ledge {which almost happened at one point when she was exhausted nearer the end}. Overall, Brady was very good on all of the hikes, but the hike on Saturday really tired her out a lot. If any of you go to church {or are hoping to start, I highly suggest that but don't feel pressured :3}, I recommend a church that my family went to once when we were visiting! If you're on mobile, type into Chrome or Safari, or go here {not sponsored haha}. They're a small church and not super known, so there is no lag when you try to stream it to your TV or anything, unlike . I spent a bunch of time playing The Sims 4, as well. If any of you are Simmers, please send me an idea of what to do with my Sims below, I'm honestly running out of ideas for what to do with them! I also finished Stargirl on Monday on our way to and from our hike that was about an hour away from where we live--it's a really great book! Highly recommended!

And I think I'm going to end on a high note! I hope you all enjoyed this post, [insert claps on each of the words for the rest of this sentence] make sure to stay home! We all need to be taking care of ourselves, especially in times like these. Treat yourself right, stay active and make sure to give yourself some time to yourself so you don't just focus on work, school or worrying yourself. Thanks so much for supporting me by simply reading, enjoy this time 'off' as much as you can and stay safe! New post Friday!

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