In the news:
"North Paulding High School sophomore Hannah Watters, who shared a photo of the crowded hallways at her school, told CNN's Boris Sanchez Sunday night that she has received threats over her release of the photo.
Hannah said she and her family and friends have been receiving screenshots of group chats in the school with threatening language against her.
One message said "I know where this girl lives," Hannah said. Other threats, she said, included, "We're going to jump every girl named Hannah in the 10th grade," and "Hannah is going to have a rough day at school on Monday."
"I feel like a lot of teachers have my back because they know how dangerous it is going to school. But I know that a lot of the kids that I go to school with, I've already gotten backlash for it, threats and things like that," Hannah said. "I know I'm doing the right thing and it's not going to stop me from continuing doing it. But it is concerning, especially since it's a lot of the people I go to school with, people I've known for years now, that are threatening me."
She said that she understands that seniors are worried they may have their last year of high school taken away from them and that she doesn't want that. Hannah only released the photo to keep people safe, she said.
"I just hope that sooner or later everyone can understand that I'm not trying to shut it down and when I did expose the school district, it wasn't to cancel the senior year, not to go after anyone. It was just to keep us all safe." Hannah said. "Because you wouldn't have your senior year because sooner or later the school was going to shut down and if we shut down or just go online for a week earlier, we can contain it quicker and we can use the rest of your senior year, the rest of the school year normally."
Following the news that the school will close for cleaning for the next two days after nine new cases were identified, Hannah said many people have told her they are getting tested.
One student at Sammy McClure, Sr. Middle School in Paulding County, Georgia, has tested positive for the coronavirus, according to a letter sent to parents by Principal Jaynath Hayes.
The student was in school "for at least some time last week" and reported to the school that they have tested positive, the letter said.
The school is being cleaned by custodial staff and is following Georgia Department of Public Health recommendations, according to the letter.
The school is asking anyone whose child exhibits symptoms to have them tested as soon as possible and notify the school.
The district's high school has already announced that it will close for at least the next two days for cleaning after nine people tested positive. The school will move to digital learning Monday and Tuesday and announce the next steps Tuesday evening, a letter from the district said." {CNN.com}
My thoughts:
I can't believe school is starting in just another 2 weeks. We only just got out of quarantine and it feels like summer just began! I'm looking forward to a change in scenery and hopefully seeing friends again, and it will most definitely be nice having something different to do. This year we'll have new teachers, new classes and a completely new experience, thanks to COVID. We won't have lockers so it will be fun lugging around all of our school supplies from class to class...That as well as staying socially distanced in classrooms, hallways, lunchrooms and only allowing certain people to go in certain days. Hopefully these extra precautions will, in fact, keep us all safe, but I'm sure there will be plenty of people getting a little too loose with the rules we have to actually go to school this year. I won't say I'm not a little worried about getting sick, or just general school things like dealing with no lockers and making friends {which will be even more difficult now, not to mention the fact that almost all my other friends are in different sections of the school this year}. Hopefully this will be a good experience, though, as some students are staying home all year so we'll have about 1/4 as many kids as we normally would, allowing those who do go to school to create a closer bond with the others, as well.
I will be ending this series once I go back to school. In other words, next weeks post will be the last of this series. :c I actually got a lot of great feedback from this series and I'm glad you all liked these so much. They're fairly easy to make, although I will say it feels kind of depressing sitting down to write and realizing I only did around 3 things that week! Speaking of ending things before school, because I'll have a lot more work to do, I probably won't be able to keep up with my current schedule of posting on Mondays and Fridays. What I will most likely do is bring it down to a day a week, along with a few surprise posts occasionally {just to keep you all on your toes}. If you're subscribed to my blog {which is completely free, please do so, if you'd like and haven't already! You get updates about my site no more than twice a month, so 0 spam emails from Wix!}, you will have gotten an email with a Google Form attatched. Make sure to fill out that form, its responses have been really helpful to let me know what I'm doing right and what you all want to see more of! I really appreciate those of you who have filled it out and look forward to getting those responses from the rest who can and will fill it out. Keep in mind, these are completely annonymous, no email, name, etc. are asked on this form, so feel free to really let me know what you think of my posts, this is to help me improve, after all!
Have a great week, everyone and I'd just like to really quickly say happy birthday to my best friend, who I think would rather stay unnamed. You're a great friend and I can't believe we've known each other for 9 years, now. I hope your birthday was wonderful and you enjoyed everything you received!
I'd been working on this project for 3 months and was really pleased with the end result, so I wanted to share it with you all! We got a frame with a custom-cut mat, as well, to make it look nice. I hope you liked it, friendo!
