Hello, all, this will be a mini-series over the next month or two reviewing my trip to Disney World from the perspective of a teen! This will be a little bit more of an informal post with kind of a bunch of mini-posts, so I hope you all enjoy! I may not include pictures in every one of these posts, as well. Also, spoiler warning, sorry!
Best ride: Rock 'N Roller Coaster
I loved the Rock 'N Roller Coaster! Of course, as much as I love the Tower of Terror, I seemed to enjoy this one more. When you get in the limo {for your first time}, the thrill of the ride taking off after the countdown is exhilarating. You're swallowed up in the dark surrounded by screams, neon signs and Aerosmith! It's so much fun and by far my favourite ride in Hollywood Studios.
At Hollywood Studios, my family went to the 50's Prime Time Café for lunch, the Sci-Fi Dine-In for a snack and Mama Melrose's Ristorante for dinner. They all had a lot of options and {from what we ordered} were delicious and a truly refreshing break from the hot sun. The 50's Prime Time Café, I thought, was very well decorated to seem as though you were in a kitchen with 50's shows on a smaller black and white TV next to your table. In the Sci-Fi Dine-In, you are in a car with tables and booths and in front of a large screen showing various movie clips. This is also very well decorated to look like a drive-in movie theatre, of course, at night with tonnes of glittering stars surrounded by other families in cars and even a snack shack at the back of the room. This restaurant was probably my favourite and a highly recommended snack stop if you're ever at Disney World in July! Finally, Mama Melrose's Ristorante was an italian themed restaurant with your classic italian dishes {pasta, pizza, etc.}. I enjoyed all of the restaurants, but I think Wawa's Restaurant Design award would go to the Sci-Fi Dine-In and Wawa's Restaurant Meal award would have to go to Mama Melrose's Ristorante with the Sci-Fi Dine-In at a close second {what can I say, I got a chocolate milkshake? Thick and delicious!}. Of course, I have nothing against the 50's Prime Time Café, or any of them, I just thought the other two restaurants outweighed it in these two categories. I highly recommend going to all three restaurants, though!
Longest line{s}:
Don't really trust me here if you're reading this after 2020 because I went when they let in only 20% of the normal amount, but it sure didn't feel like it. The absolute longest line was for Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway. It is the newest ride at Hollywood Studios, we got in line around 11:30 and were waiting for about an hour and a half. From 11:30-13:00 in Florida in the swelteringly hot sun. It was miserable, but the ride was so cute. I'm not sure I would've waited quite so long, had I known what it was about and would happen, but it was cute, fun and it was a relief to get on the ride where there was lots of AC from the 'tornado' and other events. If you go on it in the future, the line should be shorter, so I do recommend checking it out!
Other rides I recommend/what I liked about this park:
Finally, to wrap up this post, after the days at the parks, I would write down some of my favourite rides in my bullet journal. A ride I haven't yet discussed is Toy Story Mania. I loved Toy Story Mania, not because I was good at it {take my word for it, I wasn't good at it at all!}, I loved the design of the waiting line and I loved how the ride was executed. In line, you see building blocks, the etch a sketch, an animatronic Mr. Potato Head and so many cute little design elements that really help you feel like you're also one of Andy's toys. In the actual ride, I love how you're always moving around, each screen has a different theme connected with the toy who's telling you to shoot. Overall, a great ride.
Picture{s} from the park:

I only have the one, from this park, but some of the next posts will have a bunch, some may not have any. Comment below if you liked this post! I loved making it and hope you all love it as much as I do!