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Review of 'The Prom' *Collab*

Hey, everyone! Apparently, my last post was one of my best performing posts in a while, so I take that means you guys like me doing collaborations with friends reviewing things! This year, I joined my school's Common Ground group. On Thursday, December 17, we met and watched Netflix's new movie, The Prom. Thank you for being here and I hope you all had happy holidays! Here is what our group thought of it!



In a small town in Indiana, a young girl wants to take her girlfriend to their school's prom. The school refuses to allow the two to attend the prom, so they simply cancel it. A group of failing broadway stars hear about this, and decide to protest, in hopes of improving their reputation.


Question 1: What would you rate this movie?

Wawa: 2 stars

Ollie: 2 stars

Sal: 2 stars

Anonymous: 3 stars


Question 2: What did you like about the movie?

Wawa: I guess I liked how they had a variety of representation when Emma actually spoke up for herself. They included non binary people, trans characters and queer teens. I really appreciated the representation, although, considering the fact it's meant to be an LGBTQ+ movie, I think a scene like this deserved more than just 30 seconds of a few shots of different characters.

Ollie: [T]here were good actors and music and the [scene] at the end.

Sal: [I liked] the scene where it showed the [non binary people] and the other queer kids[.]

Anonymous: The music was cool! The representation was pretty good ([I]'ll talk about it more later because there still are problems)[.] I thought it was interesting in the way it handled coming out to parents ([I] still have some issues) I also liked Emma and Barry[.] The scene where [Emma] sings her song and a bunch of queer kids were listening was really cute[.]


Question 3: What did you dislike about the movie?

Wawa: I mean, mostly everything. The two main characters--that the entire movie is about!--got about 15 minutes of screen-time and the movie really just focused on the broadway stars. Overall, the movie wasn't great and the whole thing just seemed like queer baiting {in other words, attracting people who want to watch/read something about queer characters and letting them down with little to no representation}, to me.

Ollie: Everything but some of the music[.]

Sal: [Dee Dee, I really hated her], and the straight romance[.]

Anonymous: The fact that the main gay couple didn't get to kiss before the rando straight couple. We have seen straight people kiss so much[--]why[,] just why[?] I get they they wanted it to be a big moment and all but when the big moment is something so many queer kids have wanted for so long it just doesn't work. Second of all[,] Dee Dee. Main characters don't have to be likable just interesting, but Dee Dee was supposed get an arc where she becomes redeemable(?) It felt incomplete and in the end I just wasn't a fan of her. Also calling [Barry's] mom [about his coming out] before [he was] ready to talk to [about it.] :// Dee Dee why[?]


Question 4: Would you recommend this movie to someone else?

Wawa: Nope. I wouldn't want to let people down as much as I was.

Ollie: God[,] no, it was terrible.

Sal: 4. [I] mean sure[,] but...probably to [my straight} [friends. Only because I don't] think [any] of my queers would enjoy [it.]

Anonymous: Maybe, it depends on what the person is looking for. It's a good movie just somethings made it hard to like, so I'd have to warn them about it.


Question 5: Would you watch this movie again?

Wawa: Absolutely not. This movie was, in short, garbage.

Ollie: Again[,] God[,] no[,] it was terrible!!!

Sal: No[.]

Anonymous: Nah.


Hey, while you're down here, ask me any questions you have or just feel free to say hi! ^u^

Thanks for the feedback! ^u^

©Wawa Writes 2021

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