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Week 11 of Coronavirus 'Staycation'


In the news:

"Ready or not, here comes a big week for reopening. France is lifting travel restrictions, New Jersey will allow outdoor dining, British shops plan on unlocking their doors and Greek museums will welcome visitors again.

But as countries take steps to revive their economies, the risk of infections flaring up again is on everyone's mind. A second spike, however, can be averted if we act "in the proper way," says Dr. Anthony Fauci, the US infectious disease expert.

That proper approach should be a no-brainer by now: face masks, hand washing, social distancing, testing and tracing. As New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said yesterday, "discipline matters."

That message is not lost on Chinese health officials. They are racing to stop a potential second wave after 43 coronavirus cases popped up in Beijing, which had not seen new infections in 56 days.

Talk of a second wave may give the impression that the first wave is over. But that's far from true. The number of global cases is rising faster than ever, with more than 100,000 new cases recorded during 20 of the past 21 days.

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My thoughts:

Wow. I can't believe we've been stuck at home for over eleven weeks. In total, that's about 3 months! The unfortunate thing is now Summer will seem especially boring {just 3 more months of being stuck at home!}. Hopefully our pools will reopen soon enough so we're not stuck INSIDE at home! My family also has plans to be going to Disney World in late July as well! At least if we're still able to go, I'll have some pretty interesting post ideas! Do any of you have any Summer plans? Comment below, letting me know! Disney will be the main 'fun thing' we're going this Summer, but I've also signed up for some great online camps. Feel free to check out different types of clubs at {not sponsored!}. They offer classes for all kinds of different kids from reading to dancing! I've joined some reading clubs and right now I'm reading Resistance by Jennifer A. Nielsen. It's about a Jewish girl trying to help her people during the Holocaust. It's a great book, very intense, might I add, but it's very well written and gripping. I highly recommend this to anyone who has a few spare hours on their hands and enjoys reading! I hope you all had a good week, wish my school and myself luck during our last week of school! We will finally get our yearbooks and be done with distance learning. I'm really excited and hope I'll be able to see my friends in person this next school year. Have a great week, everyone!

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