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5 Questions With My Sister

So this week's post is a little different. I thought it would be interesting to try mixing it up a bit. Basically how this works is I've asked my sister a few questions and wrote the answers she gave me. After you've finished reading this post, tell me what you thought. I may make more posts featuring Tiny Writes if this post is liked by you guys!

1. Who do you look up to the most? Why?

"[My Kindergarten Teacher] because she's the coolest teacher. She lets us sometimes do our own projects when she puts them out on the tables."

I, personally, think this is a very sweet answer. It makes me really happy she looks up to her teacher so much, mainly because her teacher was also mine way back when I was in Kindergarten as well! Well, her teacher was her second choice after 'Rapunzel', but I specified they should be real.

2. What is your biggest fear?

"Death. I don't like dying."

She worded this very creepily, but she's not exactly wrong. Aren't we all a little afraid of death? She probably meant she doesn't like the idea of dying. I think that's a reasonable fear because no one knows what happens in the afterlife. Hopefully, if you've been with me here, for a while, you know I'm Catholic, but there's no 100% guarantee that we go straight to heaven if we've been good and to the land down under if we haven't. If any of you have watched 'The Good Place' {check it out if you haven't, it's a great show}, you already know another idea that the afterlife could look--if there even is an afterlife. Who knows? Maybe when we die nothing happens. I'm not trying to get all deep in this one section of this post, so maybe I'll save this discussion for its own post.

3. What are your top 3 biggest pet peeves?

"Stinky toilets, being bored and when people smoke."

I feel like the average person would agree these are pet peeves that actually make decent sense. I think everyone hates stinky toilets and being bored. A majority of people would most likely also dislike being around others who are always smoking. It's unhealthy, and if you can't quit, we shouldn't have to deal with you being too stubborn to drop it.

4. If you were elected as president, what would be the first thing you would change?

"I would take tax off food so people who can't afford it can now get it."

I'm really glad my sister said this because we really do need a president who does something like that, as going hungry is a large problem in too many places. If we could lower the price of food, more people would be able to obtain it more easily. If you would want to help with hunger, you can do such little things like donating some food to your local food pantry, working at your local food pantry {like I do with my dad once a month} or just making some food to help out at a soup kitchen. It's really disappointing that you can help so much by doing something so little like donating a few things of food that could change a life, yet people just don't bother.

5. What do you do when no one else is around?

"Sing in the bath, I like to sing 'Into The Unknown' from Frozen II"

I sort of expected her to mention this one. She sings very very loud in the bath. I'll be recording a speech for my camp or something like that in my room and my sister will be screaming the lyrics to some Disney princess song. It's sort of cute, but it does get old when sometimes you want to just lay down and get some peace and quiet.


Hey, while you're down here, ask me any questions you have or just feel free to say hi! ^u^

Thanks for the feedback! ^u^

©Wawa Writes 2021

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