Recently I started a debate camp--my first camp this summer--and we have to brainstorm ideas we're passionate about. We need to brainstorm these ideas so we're able to make a speech about the idea for as long as we can. Keep in mind, these things are not in order, just different ideas I thought of for this blog post.
1. Global Warming/Other Earthly Problems
I am very passionate about the earth. Why? Because it's where I live! Some people may not care about the current status of the earth, but I really do my best to help the earth and take care of it. Arguing about the problems about the earth and how to help I've found come very easily to me.
2. Dogs vs. Cats
If you know me well, you know I have a beautiful black labrador, Brady {I'm sorry, I can't talk about her without including a picture}!

Having such a lovely dog, I am a dog person. I always have been a dog person and always will be. A very common argument is 'Are dogs better or cats?' and every single time I have to say dogs. Cats are fine, but if I'm comparing a cat and a dog, I'm going to pick the smelly, playful, loving fur ball over the lazy, angry cat. Please don't unsubscribe, this is just my opinion, cats can be fine, but in my experience, I've found very few cats I like.
3. Queen/Music in General
As you may know from my previous posts, I am a die hard Queen fan. Honestly, I just love music in general. Lady Gaga, Queen, Keane, Guns 'N Roses, you name it, I'll probably love it! If you have any music recommendations for me {or want a recommendation from your's truly}, send me a comment!
4. Books
There are a few books that I am very passionate about. Earlier this year, I had to argue with a friend of mine for school about whatever we chose and we're both Hunger Games fans, so we chose to argue over if the first book of the series was better or the second. I chose the first because the second book was a huge disappointment, but he stood his ground and we resulted in a tie vote from our classmates. It was a lot of fun, though, and I'm really glad we did it.
5. Equality
I am huge on equality. Whether it's women's rights, BLM or LGBTQ+ equality, I stand beside every argument in their favour. Humans are humans and we should all be treated the same, whether we were born liking our own gender, darker skin or a woman, we shouldn't be discriminated against for being born the way we were. We can't control the gender we were assigned at birth, we can't control the colour of our skin but we can show respect to everyone, including those who are different from us. If we all respected each other, we wouldn't need to hold riots or rebellions and we would respect ourselves even more, thanks to everyone else. Kids are kicked out of their houses for coming out to their parents, women don't get the same pay as men--even doing the same job with the same responsibilities--for something that is out of their control! It isn't fair and it's something we can control but simply choose not to. We should take responsibility and all be passionate about these things, but this is the sad world we live in where people can't be bothered, anymore.