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My Top 5 Favourite Things from School This Year

As some of you may know, I graduated back on Wednesday. I thought it would be fun to discuss some of my favourite things about this year!

1. Escape Room

One of my highlights from this past year was visiting a huge place full of all kinds of different escape rooms! It was early in the year and my entire wing {section of my grade} went to this place and we spent almost all day there! I was put in a group with my best friend and a few other friends. We had to work together to solve a puzzle in each room and it was so much fun! If this post gets top viewed this week, maybe I'll make a post of my top 5 favourite rooms in the escape room place!

2. Learning French

Although this is somewhat different from the first example, I really enjoyed learning French this year! I've wanted to learn French for many years, so finally being able to was amazing! In other words, I really love French--or should I say 'j'aime beaucoup le français'!

3. Lockers

Maybe I'm a serious weirdo, but I was almost most looking forward to getting my own locker this year. I loved the idea of having my own little safe space to express myself and keep my stuff. Back in my old school, we just had to keep all of our things in our backpacks and our backpacks in one big closet. Considering how much time I spent at my locker {and how awesome it looked after I decorated it!}, I don't blame myself for getting so excited about them.

4. Changing Classes

At my old school, we not only had no lockers, we also had to sit in our one classroom all day with one break in the middle for recess and lunch. So a great thing about my current school is we get to move between classes every 45 or so minutes. We don't get recess anymore, but we find the day still goes by quickly and recess would just be unnecessary.

5. Meeting New People

This may seem a bit cliché, or whatever...but I really enjoyed meeting a bunch of people just like me! I was fortunate enough to have my two best friends in my wing this year, so I was able to start a little more open to people I'd never met before. I made a few new friends as well, so it was a great year, overall! And let me just say, that's huge coming from me, who is a a huge introvert.

Thanks for reading all this, I went to my old school for many years and I was so excited to start at a new one! This post explained some of my highlights from the year and some things that I will be looking forward to next year {minus the escape room trip, unfortunately}. I hope you are all doing well in these unfortunate times and happy Summer! Also, congrats to any graduating seniors reading this! I wish you the best of luck next year and the many yet to come!


Hey, while you're down here, ask me any questions you have or just feel free to say hi! ^u^

Thanks for the feedback! ^u^

©Wawa Writes 2021

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