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My Top 5 Fictional Characters

Hello my fellow readers, happy Friday! As some of you know, I am very into reading books and watching movies. Today, I'm going to list my top 5 favourite fictional characters and why.

1. Katniss Everdeen

I love Katniss Everdeen, not just because The Hunger Games is my favourite book, but I think she is a female icon. She fights to save her sister and for her own life and even has to pretend to love Peeta just to survive! I, personally, think she should've gotten together with Gale after she got out of The Hunger Games, but I guess working together to save each others' lives can bring two people pretty close togther. We're all used to the 'princess getting saved by the prince', but here, the 'princess' was the one who saved the 'prince'!

2. Iron Man

If you saw my last post {if not, check it out here}, you'd know my family has recently gotten into the MARVEL/Avengers movies. At first, I thought Iron Man was kind of lame because I assumed one of his assistants made his suit, as he is a wealthy billionaire. However, after watching his exclusive movie, Iron Man, I learned how he got so much money. He worked hard, used his brain and built his own suit. After learning all that {as well as everything he had to go through to BECOME Iron Man}, I received a newfound respect of Tony Stark and he is by far my favourite Avenger and, obviously, in my top 3 favourite fictional characters.

3. Kermit the Frog

I feel like Kermit the Frog is underrated. He is really funny, hardworking, organized as well as being surprisingly good at playing the banjo. He works really hard to make all of his shows come together and go well, and he wants to be friends with everyone. Overall, he's a great person. Nonetheless a frog!

Sorry, I just feel like loving Kermit is pretty self explanatory so I have no need to explain it. If you haven't seen The Muppets, put down your phone or turn off your computer and go watch it. Go on!

4. Michael Scott

Anyone who really knows me knew this character would inevitibely come up in this top 5. Ignoring the fact I've watched every series of The Office 4 times {or more}, I find Michael Scott a funny and caring character. He gets a bad rep for making jokes and not being the best at his job, but I think overall, he's a good character. He cares about his employees and wants what's best for them {excluding Toby, of course} and he tries to be a friend to all. My favourite quote from Michael Scott is “Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.”.

5. Buddy The Elf

Elf is one of the best Christmas movies of all time. Almost everyone knows Buddy The Elf and his loveable, Christmas story. Buddy is a human who was raised by elves in the North Pole after accidentally being kidnapped from his orphanage from none other than Santa Clause himself. He travels to New York to meet his birth father who he soon learns, hates him. It's a bit of a depressing story, but you follow Buddy on his way from the North Pole to New York to meeting the love of his life. It can be a bit of an emotional rollercoaster, but the music is amazing and who doesn't love a movie starring Will Ferrell?


Hey, while you're down here, ask me any questions you have or just feel free to say hi! ^u^

Thanks for the feedback! ^u^

©Wawa Writes 2021

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