Do you guys ever just...crash?
You know, when you just have a mental breakdown because of homework, friends, family, school, etc. One thing goes wrong and you just CRASH...? Here's my list of things that make me crash.
1. Homework
A classic 'crash-creator'. I can't figure out one set of problems and my walls that I've spent weeks creating just crumble and fall.
2. Friends/Parties
A group of my really good friends were invited to a party with this other girl that I'm not very close with so I was just like, 'Whatever, have fun' {keep in mind I wasn't invited -_-}. A few days later they all posted pics of them at my favourite escape room place~and if you really know me--you know that I LOVE escape rooms. They all completed this one room that I'd tried so many times, and boy did they let me KNOW today...
3. School
Alright, so school itself is really easy {lowkey flex I am a huge nerd XD}. I stay on top of the homework, I understand the topics and all that stuff--but studying, homework itself and projects on top of my out of school commitments simply add up to so much and just get so stressful.
4. Outside of School Commitments
Pretty self explanatory--things are difficult, you need to practice more at home, you don't know what you're doing...CRASH.
5. Family Expectations
Sometimes, you finally get some alone time, you just wanna watch TV or YouTube, or write another blog and suddenly Mom calls in 'Family time!'.
