We love our dogs. We love them so much, right? But do they love us? Go through this checklist--try by testing while you read or using prior knowledge--to find out! Also, a huge thanks to my beautiful assistant, Brady, for being the star or these examples. As well as another large thanks to my 5 year old sister for proving herself worthy of her titles, "Prop Manager" and "Lighting Girl". Thank you both! ^u^
1. The Intense Starer
If your dog really really loves you, during dinner, when watching a movie, reading a book, etc., if you look at your dog and they look at you back--they love you. A lot. Especially if you look down at them and they look up at you with those big puppy dog eyes, stand up and wander over to where you are. If you're snuggling with them, they will most likely be looking at you while you're doing whatever it is you're doing {watching a show, doing homework or whatever else it is you do while snuggling with your doggy}.

2. The Belly Itcher
When you play with your dog, if they roll over onto their back encouraging you to scratch their belly, that is a very good way to know they love you. If they felt threatened by you, they would do the opposite and try to expose their bellies as little as possible.
*I apologise, I couldn't get a good picture of Brady rolling over*
3. The Crown Contributor
If your dog loves you and trusts you, when you pet them, they will allow you to rub the very top of their skull. Most dogs are uncomfortable when people they don't know very well attempt at petting them on their head because they see it as a threat. If they know you well enough, though, they know not to be afraid because you have proven yourself worthy of their trust!
4. The Excitable Canine
This is kind of a multi-part section. If you come into the room that your dog is in {after coming home from work, school, etc.}, they will start jumping around, wagging their tail and following you everywhere. That is their way of saying "I missed you so much, I'm glad you're home!".

5. The Sacrificial Pooch
Finally, most dogs are obsessed with their toys. Then you have a few, like Brady, who aren't really into that kind of thing. If you are hanging out at home {like we all are, I hope in this miserable time!} and your dog brings you their favourite toy, you should know they love you a lot! Think back to a time when you were little--you probably had a security toy, right? You wouldn't have given that toy to anyone, except maybe your parents. And why is that? Because you trusted them to take care of that toy. That was your way of saying "I love you guys, but I need to go to the potty so hold on to Cooper for me, okay?"

^^Brady's favourite toy as an offering^
Does your dog do all of those things? If so, they have it bad for you! Even if your dog doesn't do something on this list, it doesn't really mean they don't love you. Maybe they're a new dog who you just got and they are still getting to know you. Maybe they're a rescue who's had trust issues since their last owner neglected them or if they were alone. No matter what, your dog will or does love you. Some of them just need a chance to get to know you, to understand you're there to help them. No matter what, the best way to show them your love and try to get a response is to treat their needs {food, water, exercise}, accept when they make a mistake {leave a gift on the floor, if you know what I mean...} and no matter what spend time with them to show your respect and that they are valuable. Thanks so much for reading, have a great rest of your week--Happy Friday!