Please note, I am not a professional bullet journalist and everyone's bullet journal will look different. That's a good thing--it's your bullet journal! Make it your own, it's a lot of fun once you convince yourself to start!
1. Make fun personal pages!
I find one of the best things about a bullet journal is making personal/mental health pages. I have a page for my mood that I fill out each day based on colours in a graph that lasts an entire year as well as a personal library of all the books I've read.

The cool thing about personal pages is you can see what you've done, how you've felt as well as what movies/books you've finished!
2. Write nightly entries
If you looked in my bullet journal, you'd see 98% of it is made up of my nightly journal entries. If you get into the routine of filling it out every night and it can be relaxing--as well as helpful!--to write down everything you did during the day. Say you baked a cake, made a delicious dinner and then watched your favourite movie! You could write all that down, include a fun little doodle of an illustration and then call it a night! It only takes about 5-10 minutes, but once you get in the habit it can be really helpful and healthy for you, because your body will learn that after you write about your day, it's time to sleep.
3. Add fitness/food trackers
If you've made a New Year's resolution to exercise more or stay on a stricter diet, fitness/food trackers in your bullet journal could be the most helpful system, because you have a visual of how well you're doing! It's easy to do, just make a chart with 7 days across and however many exercises down on a blank page of your journal. You can colour in a box each time you do those exercises and at the end of the month, see how well you did! It's the perfect thing to do, you can track how active you are {especially around this time!} and it's in the journal you will do so much in! ;)
4. About you
If you're a teen like me, you may want to read through your old bullet journal when you're older to learn a bit about your younger self. Hence, it could be fun to include some info about your current self such as your favourite animal, colour, song, movie, etc. I did just that but included a lot of personal info so I'm not going to include a picture of it so you don't just look at like two words that aren't blocked off.
5. Learn fancy text/shapes
One of my favourite things about having a bullet journal is practicing my calligraphy and making fun shapes as headers! It's pretty simple and self-explanatory to do, but it makes your journal look *amazing* and so professional!