Hello everyone! I hope you had a marvelous Easter!
I know I did! This is an exclusive post of mine that won't happen a whole lot in the future. Especially because of how busy I normally would be around this time. This will basically be a written vlog of everything I did today! And yes, this will include a few pictures! {But not of me :P}
1. Easter Egg dyeing
So, I'm cheating a bit as I did this yesterday, but my sister and I spent some time dyeing our eggs. As I clearly labeled {are they labeled clearly enough? :)} I made all of the tie-dye ones and my sister made the solid glittery eggs. I think they all turned out really well! Comment below which is your favourite, the glittery eggs or the tie-dye ones. Which specific egg was your favourite?

I, personally, loved the pink+blue egg of mine. You can't really tell in the picture, but in some parts of the egg, the blue and pink mixed into purple making it look like a pink+purple egg.
2. Easter Baskets!
My little sister and I woke up this morning to the 'Easter Bunny' having brought us easter baskets! As you can see below {or, rather, can't I guess thanks to the angle of the camera}, I got peeps, a few games, some hershey kisses as well as some other things, too. Pretty good haul for Easter, huh? The Easter Bunny knows me pretty well based on what I like.

To explain the background, the black blob is my black lab, Brady and I was also watching The Office at the time this picture was taken.
3. Easter Sunday Morning Mass
We had our classic Easter Sunday morning mass at 9:00 am. It was nice, because our normal church recently started making mass YouTube videos, so it really felt like any other Easter Sunday morning mass.
4. Easter Linner{?} Table Setup
Pretty self-explanatory, I suppose with the pictures below {Lunch+Dinner=Linner :3). Yes, I did it all. Apologies, I tried to get pictures before and after the food was plated, but I forgot to shoot the before image sooo...yeah. Sorry about that.

Also, fun fact about this following picture as well as the ones above, my sister and I made the candle! It's made of actual honeycomb, a wic, pins and a decal.

5. The Actual Easter Linner
The linner was AMAZING. My mom is a great cook! I'm not sure that you can tell, but we had lamb, potatoes, green beans and yorkshire pudding. Sorry the image is so fuzzy, I had to crop it from another because I, yet again, forgot to take the before picture. Sorry again... :c

As you can see below, I loved it enough to finish everything {except some of the fat from the lamb}.

6. A Bike Ride
Again, pretty self explanatory, my family and I took a little bike ride around our neighbourhood and down to our nearest park. It was about 6 miles of a ride, but it felt much longer. There was a lot of uphill on the path! Overall, sure, it was exhausting, but it was worth the exercise. I don't have a lot to write about a bike ride, but it was very nice and I enjoyed spending all day with my family. Not to mention the bike ride gained me 5k steps on my FitBit! :3
Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this post, because that would make today worth it! My parents were getting really sick of me having my camera in front of my face all day! Anyway, hopefully this post will make you all happy, I did end up spending a long time trying to take the perfect pictures and attempting to make in time during my Easter to share about my day with you all! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter, comment below--how did you celebrate while you were stuck at home? Have a great week and, yes, my usual Monday morning at 9:00 am post will be released! See you all again in the next post!